모든 뉴스: City of Manchester Stadium

  1. The Story of: City v 바르셀로나, 새로운 홈경기장에서의 첫 킥오프

    The Story of: City v 바르셀로나, 새로운 홈경기장에서의 첫 킥오프


06 Jun 2013

  1. Robinho and Shaun Wright Phillips 0809

    Etihad Ten: 2008-09 season goals

    3:04 Behind the Scenes

05 Jun 2013

  1. etihad 10

    Etihad Ten: 2007-08 season goals

    3:04 Behind the Scenes

04 Jun 2013

  1. etihad 10

    Etihad Ten: 2006-07 season goals

    3:40 Behind the Scenes